Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Part Three

And what about 'camera-woman'?

Exactly how many cameras does he need???

[pic – cameras]

Does she keep loosing them?

Or does she just keep forgetting he has just bought one?

Does he have some kind of metal illness that causes the sudden and unstoppable urge to burst into the latest camera store in search of the latest model?

You can imagine the sales man in that store.

Initially, he must think the woman is nuts.

Why does she keep on coming in, asking for cameras???

By the time he’s ordered his fifth camera, the salesman is ecstatic:

‘Madam, I have a new selection of cameras just in. I saved the most expensive one for you!

It’s a little on the expensive side, at a thousand pounds, but its worth it. I know you have a tastes for collecting the latest luxury products.

At which point, camera-woman replies with a surprised look on her face: ‘errrr how did you know I wanted a camera???

Smart lad! Don’t worry about the cost. It’s a present for m my constituency. I’ll take it!!!

And so it goes on - all behind hidden doors until the Telegraph did the expose of the century.

Even I read it these days.

Just for the gossip pages.

It's the 'Hello Magazine' concept, but for grown ups.

It's just a great shame that this shocking expose (or entertaining expose - depending on how you look at it) comes at a time when the economy is in a critical state.

Brown & Darling are trying to fix it.

No matter how hard he tries, the economy is just not responding.

It's like a dead corpse.

But instead of using a resuscitation technique (such as a mains cable dipped in the bath), darling uses money. Printed money.

He's got this printing press.

And its great!

Your economy looks like its headed for precession?

Print some more money?

Your exchange rate drops? Print some more money!

It’s the answer to everything.

Who ever came up with that idea is a genius. They should be rewarded handsomely.

But at the same time, one can't help that they should be given a good slapping.

Why the hell didn't they think of it earlier???

If they did, we wouldn't have had a recession in the first place, and we certainly wouldn't be in the mess we are now.

We should all have printing presses.

We could all be multi millionaires then.

We could sell them on eBay. they'd sell hundreds of them.

What better way to kick-start the economy?

Forget kick-staring the economy. This money is going to be need in order to maintain.

Meryn king (shown here test-driving a wig with the same colour code of Alistair darlings bollocks, has announced that more money will need to be printed prevent a relapse into a crisis.

Is he talking about a new crisis?

Or is he talking about a new crisis?

You must excuse me, but I'm getting a tad confused with all these 'crisiseze'.

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